첫 번째 문화 수업에 우리 댄스 스튜디오에 가서 트와이스의 ‘What is Love?’ 춤을 배웠어요. 처음에는 좀 어색하고 부끄러웠는데 하면 할수록 더 재미있어 졌고, 밝고 친절한 댄스 강사님 덕분에 그 2시간이 생각 보다 빨리 지났어요. 그리고 그 짧은 시간에 학생들이 많이 친해졌어요. 나중에도 우리 머리 속에 ‘What is Love?’ 계속 맴돌 것 같아요 ㅋㅋ 시작이 좋아서 다음 문화 수업이 기대 돼요!
During our weekly cultural classes, we will be learning about different aspects of Korean culture. For the first week, we went to a nearby dance studio and learned the dance to TWICE’s “What is Love?” Although it was quite awkward at first, I think we were able to warm up to it and feel more and more comfortable. Thankfully, our dance instructor was an energetic and fun person who was able to get us pumped up. You could tell we were less shy by the time we took a break, since we had a mini dance showcase with Kota and L showing off their skills. It was also entertaining and endearing to see the guys follow along to a cutesy TWICE song and dance. I think through this experience we were able to become closer through our collective embarrassment of dancing, and “What is Love?” will forever be a song engraved into our memories.