마지막 주 시험 후에 저희 선생님들과 학생들을 비롯한 반 전체가 롯데월드에 가서 놀았어요. 경희 대학교측에서 저희 라이스 대학교 학생들이 6주 동안 공부를 정말 열심히 했다고 생각해서 저희한테 롯데월드 이용권을 사 주셨어요. 선생님이 저희한테 알려 주셨을 때 저희는 정말 놀랐어요.
그날 시험을 마친 후에 지하철로 잠실에 갔어요. 롯데월드에 도착했을 때 다행히 비가 아직 안 와서 밖에서 조금이라도 놀 수 있었어요. 일찍 도착한 친구들은 Conquistador 를 탔었는데 저는 늦게 들어가서 못 타서 아쉬웠어요. 그 다음에 저희는 같이 야외로 갔어요. 사람들이 다 저녁에 비가 올 줄 알아서 오후에 야외 놀이기구를 기다리는 사람들이 너무 많았어요. 저희는 30분 정도 기다렸다가 자이로 스윙을 탔는데 저희는 정말 신났어요. 그리고 나서 저희는 한 시간 쯤 기다렸다가 헌티드 하우스에 들어갔어요. 원래는 귀신 집에서의 모험이라고 생각했는데 현실은 그냥 3D영화를 보여줬어요. 덕분에 저희는 좀 실망했지요. 저녁에 비가 와서 저희는 실내로 이동해야 됐어요. 대부분의 친구들은 저녁 후에 집에 돌아갔어요.
이번에는 미국으로 돌아가기 전에 롯데월드에 갈 수 있어서 경희 대학교 측에 진심으로 감사했어요.
Last week after exam, the whole class went to the Lotte World and had fun with our teachers. Kyunghee University took our hard work for the past 6 weeks into account, so they offered us free tickets to the Lotte World. When the teacher told us about this, we were all so surprised.
On the day after the final exam, we went to Jamsil by subway. Luckily, when we arrived there was no rain, so we were able to enjoy the outside part of the Lotte World for a bit as well. Students who arrived early went on the Conquistador ride. It was a shame that I arrived late so I couldn’t make it to the ride with everyone else. Then we went outside park together. Since everyone knows that it was going to rain during the dinner time so they all went to the outside ride before it started to rain. Thus, there were ridiculously long waiting lines in front of all rides. Although we waited for about 30 minutes, we were still pretty excited to ride on the Gyro Swing. After that, we waited almost an hour to get into the Haunted House. At the first place we thought it was a ghost house adventure, but it turned out to be just a 3D movie experience. We were a bit disappointed by that. During the dinner time it rained, so we had to move to the inside part of the park. Most of our classmates took several more rides after dinner and went back to their homestay safely before it rained harder.
This time we were sincerely grateful that Kyunghee University gave us this opportunity to enjoy and have fun in Lotte World after the intense program.